Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What Does it Mean When Your Boyfriend Doesn’t Call – Tips to Get Him to Call You

Being in a relationship can leave a woman feeling loved and ignored all in the span of a few minutes. Men are something of a mystery to us and trying to figure out the motivation behind why your guy does something is a bit like finding a needle in a haystack. You can search and search for the answer never to discover it. As women we long for a connection with a man who finds us completely irresistible. We want our boyfriend to crave as much contact as he can get with us. So when he doesn’t call when he says he will it can leave us feeling rejected and neglected. It’s easy to jump to the conclusion that he’s losing interest when he isn’t calling you as promised.

But what does it mean when your boyfriend doesn’t call? Does it really translate to him losing interest or is it something more innocent than that? In most cases, if your boyfriend doesn’t call you as planned it means he forgot or he just doesn’t view the call as being all that important. Obviously this is going to make your feel ignored but there’s an easy fix to the situation. If he’s not calling when you hope he will, you need to change the dynamic of the relationship so he does. Talking about it won’t help. There is one thing you can do though that can remedy the situation in an instant.

If your boyfriend doesn’t call you and it’s leaving you frustrated, stop calling him. It’s really that simple. Most men know and expect that if they don’t call, we will. They know this because it’s what we do, over and over again. He knows you’ll pick up his slack and call him. If you don’t, he’ll pick up the phone and call you. The act of not calling him sends a much louder message than anything you could possibly say to him. He’ll feel you slipping away and that will be enough of a motivator to make him call you much more often than he has in the past.

You need to always remember that men and women view phone calls, emails and text in very different ways. If you make the mistake of calling too frequently, at the wrong time or before he's ready to hear from you, you can actually turn him off. Women unwittingly ruin their chances of a future with a man because they are too over eager to hear from him. Don't let this happen to you. Find out when you should be calling your man. You may think that there's no consequence when you pick up the phone to call the man in your life, but there is. Men pay close attention to when women call them and they'll make assumptions about you based on that. Learn when the perfect time to call him is so that he'll find you irresistible.