Saturday, January 30, 2010

Complete List of Items in MAGNIFICENT MYSTERY BOX

Hello folks! This is list of items that on MAGNIFICENT MYSTERY BOX

Some NIS (Not In Store) items have been added to these Magnificent MB, you can gift the box direct from the cash shop , once in your Chest this Magnificent MB are no gif-table , but its contents, can however be gifted once its opened.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Complete List of Snow white Mistery Egg

Here you go ;)
I got this from official playfish forum

credit: M_I_N_A_R_A

Pet Society - Infinite Coins Cheat

Credits: davvix@cheats09 and pwnthis

This cheat works. You will keep getting coins from the tree for as long as you want. And yes, it can be saved ONLY if you follow the steps and not be GREEDY! You will have to constantly click "Add Coins" in order to save the game. And do NOT let too many coins drop from the tree each time. Just collect a few, click "Add Coins" click tree again and repeat cycle.

Tools (download tools in the download section):
Flash 10 only!
cheat engine 5.5

  1. Play Pet's Society (click to play)
  2. Open Cheat Engine (Array of Bytes, Hex, Also Scan Read Only Mem)
  3. In PS, click the tree until you found 1 that dropped a coin.
  4. Scan "8B78088B8FFC0200008945D8C745DC"
  5. 1 address returned. (if no addresses, you're either not using flash 10, or you have not done step 3)
  6. Right click and Disassemble
  7. Scroll up a few lines and you should see the code "jne XXXXXX" (X is random digits)
  8. Right click this line and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  9. Now in Pet's Society, click any tree and coins will keep pouring out.
  10. Impt: Do not leave it alone for too long!! Probably about 30-40coins click "Add Coins"
  11. Then click "Leave Shop"
  12. Then repeat step 9,10,11 till satisfied. Coins definitely can be saved if you are not greedy and collected too many coins at 1 go.

video :

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Charles Web Debugging Proxy Crack

Credits: Wei @ fREE2SW4U

Rejoice guys, as you can now crack your Charles and not get those annoying pop-ups or 30min usage anymore. You can now easily spending longer time finding loopholes in your favourite game without the 30minute limitation. Just follow the steps.

Tools (download tools in the download section):

  • Java Installer (You need this to be able to run Charles. Users who are able to use Charles all the while do not have to install this. 
  • Charles Installer + Crack [download]


  1. Download the above file.
  2. Use Winrar to extract all 3 files to your Desktop
  3. Double click charles_setup_3.51.exe and install Charles into your computer. (You should probably uninstall the previous version of Charles)
  4. Double click run.bat
  5. A Charles v3.5 Patcher should appear. (if it didnt, you didnt extract all the 3 files to your desktop!! read step 2!!)
  6. Click 'browse'
  7. Navigate to the folder where Charles was installed. (If default, it will be at C:\Program Files\Charles\lib)
  8. In the 'lib' folder, you should see a charles.jar. Double click that.
  9. Charles will now be successfully cracked. 
  10. Open Charles, click Help, click Register
  11. Input anything you want for both the name and the key. 
  12. You can now use Charles as a fully registered software. Have fun finding cheats!
Note :
win7 and vista right click administrator run the "Run.bat"

Monday, January 25, 2010

Pet Society - 2in1 Coin Cheat for Flash 10

Credits: AnEjd, fREE2SW4U and pwnthis

Tools (download tools in the download section):
Flash 10 only!
cheat engine 5.5

  1. Go into Pet Society (click to play)
  2. Visit a friend and brush your pet
  3. Open cheat engine (tick hex, ASROM, 'array of bytes')
  4. Scan "0F84D50200008B5DFC8B73088B8EEC"
  5. Disassemble top address, right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  6. New scan "0F8F500500008B7DD08B8734020000"
  7. Disassemble top address, right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  8. New scan "8B403C8945E88B45"
  9. Disassemble top address, right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  10. Brush cheat completed. Now the next few values are for infinite visiting

  1. New scan "0F84590000008B5DE48B8B"
  2. Disassemble top address, right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  3. New scan "0F85200000008B53088B8A"
  4. Disassemble top address, right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  5. New scan "0F????0000008B5DF88B43"
  6. Disassemble top address, right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  7. New scan "0F843d0000008B5DF88B4308"
  8. Disassemble top address, right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  9. You should have 'replace with code that does nothing 7 times. Do not miss out any code.
  10. Now you can visit your friends get 30 coins, brush, get a few more coins, click "Add Coins" and repeat visiting the same friends again.
Note: To avoid Mayor, make sure you click on "Add Coins" before repeat-visiting your friend! And also not to brush too long as the mayor will surely appear. Brush a few times and go visit another friend.

Pet Society - 2in1 Coin Cheat for Flash 9

Credits to Trucoteca09&cheats09 and pwnthis

The previous coin+visiting cheat has been patched but addresses have been found and here you go. Cheat some coins before the cheat gets patched again! You can get 10coins per brush now so it makes this cheat really good as I can easily gain 100coins in seconds.
Note: Do not brush more than 150-200 coins each time as Mayor will appear. Follow the steps EXACTLY or it will not work.

This version of cheat is for Flash 9 users only.
Flash 10 users please view this other version : Flash 10 2in1 coin cheat

Tools (download tools in the download section):
Cheat engine 5.5
Flash 9 only!

  1. Go into Pet Society (click to play)
  2. Brush pet
  3. Open Cheat Engine (Hex, 8bytes, ASROM)
  4. Scan "5D8B000002D5840F"
  5. 1 address returned. Disassemble and change 'je xxxxxxx' to 'jg xxxxxxxx' (xxxxx is random digits)
  6. New Scan "7D8B000005568F0F"
  7. 1 address returned. Disassemble and change 'jg xxxxxxx' to 'je xxxxxxxx' (xxxxx is random digits)
  8. New Scan "458BE845893C408B"
  9. 1 address returned. Disassemble and you will see this line 'mov eax,[eax+3c]'
  10. Right click this line and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  11. Now brush your pet, it will be in turbo speed and you should gain coins fast. Remember Mayor will appear if you brush too long so Visit a friend first then continue brushing!

Visiting Coins cheat:
Note: Unstable as only certain friends will have coins. But this is perfectly fine. What you should do is activate mouse recorder. Once you found a friend that drops coins, juz keep visiting that single friend. Follow these steps strictly! Visit Friend A. Get 20-30 Coins. Brush Friend A. Get 150-200 coins. Click "Add Coins" Visit Friend A. Continue this cycle.

  1. Visit a friend.
  2. Change the settings in Cheat engine to (HEX, Array Of Bytes, ASROM)
  3. New scan "83F00185C0895DF88945E0"
  4. 1 address returned. Disassemble and change 'xor eax 01' to 'xor eax 00'
  5. New scan "0F840A000000B800000000E9A0"
  6. 1 address returned. Disassemble and change 'je xxxxxxx' to 'jmp xxxxxxx'
  7. Now you can get coins from the repeat visits ONLY if you click 'Add coins' before visiting the same friend again. And as i mentioned, it's unstable and only some friends give coins.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pet Society - Super Visiting Coin Cheat by flashfox

Credits: FlashFox and BlackCat
This version is better than the previous version as you will definitely get coins for everyone. Follow the steps and notes carefully to ensure that the mayor will not appear

Tools :
flash 9.0 r124 only
cheat engine 5.5

  1. Go into Pet Society
  2. Visit a friend but don't do any of the actions and click on the Cross to close the action screen.
  3. Open Cheat engine, tick Hex and 'Also Scan Read Only Memory', change value to 'Array of bytes'
  4. Scan "0F84590000008B5DE48B8B". 1 address returned. Right click>Disassemble
  5. Right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  6. New scan "0F85200000008B53088B8A". 2 address returned. Right click> Disassemble
  7. Right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  8. New scan"0F84BB0000008B5DF88B43". 1 address returned. Right click> Disassemble
  9. Right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  10. New scan "FF510C83C40CC7432000". 2 address returned. Right click> Disassemble
  11. Right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  12. Now you can start visiting your friends. Use a mouse recorder (download at tools section)
  13. Set the mouse recorder to Visit 4 different friends
  14. Click "Add Coins" located at the top of the screen
  15. Note: Important step, failure to click "Add Coins" will result in mayor. You must NOT repeat visiting a friend if you have not clicked on Add Coins.
  16. Visit the 4 friends that you visited in step 14 again. Set this cycle to repeat. This cheat is working great. Enjoy.

video :

Monday, January 4, 2010

Ninja Saga - Amazing Token Cheat

Credits: ZiljianXd and Lozadawafak
Source: Pwnthis

Tools : Cheat engine 5.5 | firefox

  1. Open Cheat engine 5.5
  2. Go into Ninja Saga
  3. Go to Academy and Click on a skill that has "Training Time - Instant"
  4. In C.E, Enable Speedhack and set value to "0"
  5. Click the "BUY" 3 times
  6. Now click on the skill that you want to learn (a skill that requires Tokens to learn) .
  7. Change the Speedhack back to "1"
  8. Now go to the ARENA and Challenge your friends and fight them to save the game
  9. Refresh the game and you still have the Token Skill
  10. Repeat to acquire all the Token skills you want.

Indonesian :

  1. Buka Cheat Engine 5.5
  2. Buka Ninja Saga
  3. Pergi ke Academy lalu klik pada skill yg memiliki "Training Time - Instant"
  4. Pada C.E, Enable Speedhack lalu set value menjadi "0"
  5. Klik "BUY" 3 kali
  6. Sekarang klik pada skill yg ingin kamu pelajari (skill yg memerlukan token utk mempelajarinya)
  7. Ubah Speedhack kembali ke "1"
  8. Sekarang pergi ke ARENA dan Challenge temanmu lalu lawan mereka utk mengesave game
  9. Refresh game dan kamu akan masih memiliki Token skill
  10. Ulangi utk memperoleh semua token skill yg kamu mau

Video :