Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dating Tips For Men - What Should YOU Say to HER?

One of the areas that most men find a challenge when it comes to attracting women, is knowing exactly what they should say to make a woman feel attraction. Far too many men kill any chances that they might have with a woman, simply because they do NOT know the things to say to her. You have to be able to talk to women in a way that not only gets her attention, but that also builds her attraction for YOU.

So, what are some things to say to a woman?

1. Ask her what she does for fun. This is a great way to build rapport and attraction as you can find at least one thing that you have in common with her. Then you can start to make her to associate YOU with having a good time as she explains what she does for fun and you relate how you like to do the same.

2. Ask her to pull up some good memories. Now, you can phrase this any way that you want. But, having her remember good things will cause her to feel good in that moment. And as she feels good in that moment, she is with you. This will help to associate your face with those good times. Which will make her see YOU as someone that she can have a good time with.

3. Ask her what the worst pick up line she has ever heard is. This is a fun one, because you get to make fun of guys that try this and as a result, distance yourself from being that kind of guy. Using this is a great way to introduce humor into the conversation while at the same time, making her feel as though you are NOT one of those men that are just trying to score.

These are just basic tips of what to say to a woman. You have to really know how to use conversation to YOUR advantage if you want to be successful with women. The more time that you spend working on this area of your life, the better your results will be.