Friday, February 11, 2011

Restaurant City - Multi-Pack Database

Credits: MC & pwnthis

Required Tools [download tools in the download section] :

Recipe.bin separated from mega pack to prevent loss of candy machines. 
Remember, usage of Recipe.bin will remove all your candy machines, so you will have to add the machines back if you want to use the recipe file.


  • Download required file from the links above and use Winrar to extract the files out.
  • Open fiddler and go to the AutoResponder tab.
  • Make sure both Enable auto... and Permit Passthrough... are both ticked.
  • Drag all the files that you have just downloaded into the AutoResponder tab. A total of 5 files. Recipe.bin is not included as it will remove your Candy Machines. 
  • Reload RC. If replaced correctly, all the lines will be highlighted.
  • Now just click on Decorate and go to Functional section. You should see the Free CandyMaker for coins cheat. If you do not, you have replaced the file wrongly.
  • You can also start shopping for ALL past items. 
    • - Avatar.bin unlocks all character items. 
    • - Front.bin unlocks all exterior items.
    • - Levelup.bin gives you the max level if you have not reached it (temporary)
    • - Quiz.bin gives you 100% success 
    • - Restaurant.bin unlocks all interior items.
  • The separate Recipe.bin unlocks all the past recipes. You will need to reach recipe lvl 1 to keep the dishes

CityVille Cheats - How to unlock multiple Valentines Gifts

credits :

Required Tools: 

  • Firefox/Chrome
  • 2 Facebook accounts. 1 dummy and 1 primary account.


  1. Log into your dummy account using Chrome.  
  2. Go into CityVille 
  3. Right click the "Play" tab and select "Open link in new tab"
  4. Open as many tabs as you want. 6 tabs should be fine as there are only 6 valentines gifts to unlock. 
  5. Swap to the correct combination for the different gifts then click 'Send Valentine' (See image below for some of the combination)
  6. // There are other combinations, feel free to comment and share your combinations!
  7. Select your primary account.
  8. Do the same for all the 6 tabs.
  9. Click Send for all the 6 tabs.
  10. Your primary account should receive all 6 gifts and you will the 6 different gifts.
  11. Have fun! And enjoy your Valentine's Day! 

CityVille Bot - v1.56

Credits: 12christiaan  & pwnthis

Tools  :

Steps :

Latest version of CityVille Bot with latest plugins with StreakBonus from your neighbors!
Remember to uninstall your previous version of CityVille Bot before installing v1.56 to avoid any possible application conflicts.

  1. Uninstall older version of CityVille Bot
  2. Install v1.56 Cityville bot
  3. Extract all the files from the Plugins folder and paste them in your default CityVilleBot installed folder (C:\Program Files\CityVilleBot) 
  4. Overwrite/Replace all the files.
  5. Remember to run CityVilleBot.exe as ADMINSTRATOR! Have fun! 


Publish version 028
2011-02-08 Added item name in collection landmark etc. [ from sugestions ]
2011-02-08 You can now sellect the business that need to be collected. (save energy) [ Buildings v0.9 ]
2011-02-07 Neighbors, removed "any" from the franchise items. you have to sellect the franchise yourselfs.
2011-02-07 Upgrade ? DELETE the .sqlite files from Profile folder. Then start the bot !!!
2011-02-07 Multi Sending gift: Better logging.
2011-02-07 Multi Sending gift: Allow up to 3 faults befor giving up. [Multi Version 0.7 ]

Publish version 027
2011-02-06 Build franchise in Neighbor city. [neighbor v 0.7]
2011-02-06 Added streakBonus when visiting neighbors (and doing actions) [ botclass ]
2011-02-06 Added streakBonus when accepting work from neighbors. [ botclass ]
2011-02-06 Added streakBonus withered crops. [ botclass ]
2011-02-06 Option in Settings to sellect the level of streakBonus to be found. Can also be disabled.