Friday, February 11, 2011

CityVille Cheats - How to unlock multiple Valentines Gifts

credits :

Required Tools: 

  • Firefox/Chrome
  • 2 Facebook accounts. 1 dummy and 1 primary account.


  1. Log into your dummy account using Chrome.  
  2. Go into CityVille 
  3. Right click the "Play" tab and select "Open link in new tab"
  4. Open as many tabs as you want. 6 tabs should be fine as there are only 6 valentines gifts to unlock. 
  5. Swap to the correct combination for the different gifts then click 'Send Valentine' (See image below for some of the combination)
  6. // There are other combinations, feel free to comment and share your combinations!
  7. Select your primary account.
  8. Do the same for all the 6 tabs.
  9. Click Send for all the 6 tabs.
  10. Your primary account should receive all 6 gifts and you will the 6 different gifts.
  11. Have fun! And enjoy your Valentine's Day!