Tools :
- CityVille Bot v1.56 [download link]
- Plugins v028b [download link]
Steps :
Latest version of CityVille Bot with latest plugins with StreakBonus from your neighbors!
- Uninstall older version of CityVille Bot
- Install v1.56 Cityville bot
- Extract all the files from the Plugins folder and paste them in your default CityVilleBot installed folder (C:\Program Files\CityVilleBot)
- Overwrite/Replace all the files.
- Remember to run CityVilleBot.exe as ADMINSTRATOR! Have fun!
Publish version 028
2011-02-08 Added item name in collection landmark etc. [ from sugestions ]
2011-02-08 You can now sellect the business that need to be collected. (save energy) [ Buildings v0.9 ]
2011-02-07 Neighbors, removed "any" from the franchise items. you have to sellect the franchise yourselfs.
2011-02-07 Upgrade ? DELETE the .sqlite files from Profile folder. Then start the bot !!!
2011-02-07 Multi Sending gift: Better logging.
2011-02-07 Multi Sending gift: Allow up to 3 faults befor giving up. [Multi Version 0.7 ]
Publish version 027
2011-02-06 Build franchise in Neighbor city. [neighbor v 0.7]
2011-02-06 Added streakBonus when visiting neighbors (and doing actions) [ botclass ]
2011-02-06 Added streakBonus when accepting work from neighbors. [ botclass ]
2011-02-06 Added streakBonus withered crops. [ botclass ]
2011-02-06 Option in Settings to sellect the level of streakBonus to be found. Can also be disabled.