Monday, January 25, 2010

Pet Society - 2in1 Coin Cheat for Flash 10

Credits: AnEjd, fREE2SW4U and pwnthis

Tools (download tools in the download section):
Flash 10 only!
cheat engine 5.5

  1. Go into Pet Society (click to play)
  2. Visit a friend and brush your pet
  3. Open cheat engine (tick hex, ASROM, 'array of bytes')
  4. Scan "0F84D50200008B5DFC8B73088B8EEC"
  5. Disassemble top address, right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  6. New scan "0F8F500500008B7DD08B8734020000"
  7. Disassemble top address, right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  8. New scan "8B403C8945E88B45"
  9. Disassemble top address, right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  10. Brush cheat completed. Now the next few values are for infinite visiting

  1. New scan "0F84590000008B5DE48B8B"
  2. Disassemble top address, right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  3. New scan "0F85200000008B53088B8A"
  4. Disassemble top address, right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  5. New scan "0F????0000008B5DF88B43"
  6. Disassemble top address, right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  7. New scan "0F843d0000008B5DF88B4308"
  8. Disassemble top address, right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
  9. You should have 'replace with code that does nothing 7 times. Do not miss out any code.
  10. Now you can visit your friends get 30 coins, brush, get a few more coins, click "Add Coins" and repeat visiting the same friends again.
Note: To avoid Mayor, make sure you click on "Add Coins" before repeat-visiting your friend! And also not to brush too long as the mayor will surely appear. Brush a few times and go visit another friend.