Credits: ZiljianXd and Lozadawafak
Source: Pwnthis
Tools : Cheat engine 5.5 | firefox
- Open Cheat engine 5.5
- Go into Ninja Saga
- Go to Academy and Click on a skill that has "Training Time - Instant"
- In C.E, Enable Speedhack and set value to "0"
- Click the "BUY" 3 times
- Now click on the skill that you want to learn (a skill that requires Tokens to learn) .
- Change the Speedhack back to "1"
- Now go to the ARENA and Challenge your friends and fight them to save the game
- Refresh the game and you still have the Token Skill
- Repeat to acquire all the Token skills you want.
Indonesian :
- Buka Cheat Engine 5.5
- Buka Ninja Saga
- Pergi ke Academy lalu klik pada skill yg memiliki "Training Time - Instant"
- Pada C.E, Enable Speedhack lalu set value menjadi "0"
- Klik "BUY" 3 kali
- Sekarang klik pada skill yg ingin kamu pelajari (skill yg memerlukan token utk mempelajarinya)
- Ubah Speedhack kembali ke "1"
- Sekarang pergi ke ARENA dan Challenge temanmu lalu lawan mereka utk mengesave game
- Refresh game dan kamu akan masih memiliki Token skill
- Ulangi utk memperoleh semua token skill yg kamu mau
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