Monday, May 31, 2010

Pet Society - EXP Cheat

Tools (download tools in the download section):
  • Flash 10 
  • Cheat Engine
  • Flock/Firefox


  1. Play with the BALL and hit it 5 TiMES.

  2. Open CHEAT ENGiNE 5.5.

  3. Click the TOP LEFT BUTTON on CE & look for your PROCESSOR (your browser)

  4. Tick: 
    8 BYTES, 
    ASROM (Also Scan Read Only Memory.)

  5. Enter this code in HEX: 544F8BD18B01C083

  6. SCAN IT!!

  7. 2 addresses should appear, right-click the SECOND ONE and click DiSASSEMBLE.

  8. On the window that should appear, double-click the first one.

  9. ****DO NOT delete anything, except for the "1."

  10. Change the "1," into "271000."

  11. Play with the ball. Each time you hit the ball, you will get a new record of 271000, EACH TIME. So if you hit the ball 2 times, it will give you 542,000 PAW POiNTS.

  12. Also, MONEY as you level. **if you dont have this yet, you will get a gold trophy for the Ball.