credits : pwnthis &petsocietynews
Tools (download tools in the download section):
- Fiddler2
- Google Chrome
- Nofil2000 feed generator [download 1]
- 2 Facebook accounts [primary & secondary]
- Cheat Engine to shorten animation
- Follow the steps as every step is CRUCIAL. Don't complain if you cant follow the steps as missing out any steps would render the cheat useless.
Steps :
- Download all the required tools above and also the Feed Generator.
- Extract the nofil2000 folder to your desktop.
- Log into your Secondary facebook account
- Open Fiddler2
- Make sure Fiddler2 is capturing traffic. (click File > Capture Traffic is ticked)
- Go to this url in Firefox "" (it will be an error page)
- Now you should notice this url in Fiddler. "/crossdomain.xml"
- Right click this url and select Copy > Just URL
- Go to Autoresponder tab and click Add
- Click the dropdown arrow beside the 'Save' button
- Select 'Find a file'
- Browser to the nofil2000 folder that you extracted to desktop earlier. Select the crossdomain.xml file inside.
- Click Save
- Now Clear your browser cache.
- Now open the nofil2000.html that is in the nofil2000 folder.
- Select Hideeni.
- Enter number of links. I recommend 50 links. Any more and your game will take forever to load due to the large number of presents.
- Click 'Get Links'
- Wait till all links are Done!
- Now, log out of this secondary account and log in your Primary facebook account.
- This is the account where you want the coins.
- Now click Execute All Links in the nofil2000.html
- Wait till all the links are executed.
- Once done, go into Pet Society
- Now you will see lots of presents!
- You will need to open Cheat Engine now or it's gonna take forever to clear those presents.
- Select firefox as process, Tick HEX, ALSO SCAN READ ONLY, Array of Bytes
- Scan "8B403C8945E88B45e885c0"
- 1 address returned. Right click disassemble
- Right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing"
- Now PS is in hyper speed mode. Clear those moneybags and save your game!
- Repeat all the steps if you want more coins!
Video :