credits : Maxibots and pwnthis
- Go into Pet Society [click to play]
- Open Cheat Engine (hex, ASROM, Array of bytes)
- Scan "8B403C8945E88B45e885c0"
- 1 address returned (if no address, make sure you are using flash 10 and Pet Society has loaded)
- Right click and select Disassemble
- Memory viewer will appear. Right click selected code and select 'Replace with code that does nothing'
- Now Pet Society will be in Turbo speed.
- Open Visiting Bot
- Select the action you want. [example: Hug]
- Input number of pet society friends you have in the 'Repeticiones'
- Click on the Green Tick. A red box will appear
- Using the red box, select your pet society game window and the bot will start. Have fun!
- See below screenshot if unclear
*ASROM : Also Scan Read-Only Memory